Work package n°1 Project Management
Lead partner Gdansk University of Technology (GDANSK TECH) is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the project. Effective management, implementation and control of the project are ensured by experienced personnel with relevant skills (IPMA certification) in strategic, content, financial and communication management.

Work package n°2 – Development of Competency Framework and Learning Materials
The overall objective of WP2 is to develop a flexible curriculum for teaching international communication skills to students in green transition engineering fields. This objective is to be achieved in four stages. The research will analyze the communication tasks of green-transition engineers through a systematic review of job descriptions and a survey of alumni and industry representatives. In-depth interviews with 40 industry representatives will provide detailed information on communication tasks and networks. Results will be interpreted and processed by Technikum Wien and Gdansk University of Technology. The consortium will discuss initial results for feedback and validation before final reports are written. A competence and assessment framework for international engineering communication will be developed based on the research findings and other relevant competency frameworks. Gdansk University of Technology will lead the development, with feedback and validation from the consortium. An online workshop will kick off the development of the curriculum, which will be based on the competency framework. Curriculum developers in each partner organization will propose content for 8-12 skills areas, which will be reviewed and evaluated by other partners prior to agreement. The material will be piloted and evaluated, and refined based on feedback, before being finalized and compiled into a publicly accessible catalogue of mini-modules.

Work package n°3 – Institutional Piloting and Evaluation
The overall objective of WP3 is to pilot and evaluate the materials developed in WP2. Although the piloting is a clear part of the development process, it has been defined as a separate and individual work package due to its complexity, with multiple pilots across 7 countries. We consider it more manageable to approach it as an individual work package that draws on and feeds back into the development of materials. In preparation for the piloting stage, partners 1-7 will plan and schedule activities, including securing buy-in, integrating learning outcomes, and managing staffing and timetabling. Challenges and learning opportunities will arise during this stage, which will inform the evaluation stage. During the implementation stage, partners will pilot the 80-100 developed modules, with each partner piloting 10-15 modules with at least 15 students (105 students in total). Modules will be integrated into existing courses or implemented through various learning methods. The evaluation stage will assess student outcomes and perspectives, and partners will evaluate the implementation experience and identify successes and challenges. The results will be used to produce research reports on the effectiveness of the curriculum on student learning (Research C) and the implementation of flexible communication curricula in engineering courses (Research D).

Work package n°4 – Cross-Institutional European Summer Schoo
The objective of this work package is to plan, organise and host the first European Summer School on Engineering Communication for the Green Transition in Portugal in 2026. This 10-day summer school will allow the partners to collaborate on delivering all finalized learning units to students and will be open both to students from partner institutions and to students of other European universities (under non-project-related mobility actions).
Design and develop the summer school curriculum, drawing on the piloting stage’s experiences and lessons learned. The summer school will solve specific problems or work on projects and case studies where international communication can be integrated. Partners will participate in 2 days of online preparation workshops to collaborate on the overall concept, curriculum, and syllabus for international communication skills components.
HEI partners market the summer school internally and formalize student participation, including travel, accommodation, and subsistence arrangements. The project covers sending 10 students per HEI partner, and the WP lead engages a third-party travel agent to secure the best travel deals.
UTAD prepares a logistical and operational plan covering room allocation, catering, local staffing, and a full risk and health/safety assessment. Planning for social events and exploring deals with local hotels and cultural centers is conducted to ensure the best value for money and summer school experience.
The summer school is implemented over 10 days with 60 hours of classes per student (plus 15 hours of preparation = 3 ECTS), catering, events, and a social program. Each partner contributes to the delivery of the summer school content. The summer school is subject to evaluations for post-project implementation in Vienna in 2027 and Gdansk in 2028.

Work package n°5 – Impact, Sustainability and Handbook on International Communication for Green-Transition Engineers
This is a strategic and overarching work package that helps to establish a solid beginning-of-sustainability-status at the end of the project. The work package can be broken up into three distinct themes.
All finalised materials, together with research outputs and analyses will be published in a publicly available handbook of approximately 150 pages (digital format). This will enable further transfer of knowledge and implementation across a wider range of HEIs as well as in the engineering professional development field.
A 2-day conference, held in combination with the summer school, will bring together European and international communications, engineering and engineering-education experts and stakeholders to discuss and debate issues around the role of international communication in the diffusion of green innovation, the teaching of international communications in engineering universities, and how to further develop and enhance the communication skills of engineers.
This WP includes a range of general dissemination work, contributing to the understanding of communication skills development in green transition engineering and how these can be implemented in higher education engineering contexts. This includes – but is not limited to:
– 3 x institutional events per partner (online or F2F), the second of which is to include local stakeholders as a form of quality control mechanism;
– Presentation of 8 papers at 8 European conferences (including at European Society for Engineering Education, IEEE;
Professional Communications Society, European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association, Engineers Europe, International Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language);
– Development of a project identity, posters, flyers, and website.